2 MAKE IT HAPPEN www. i npe r i um. o r g 856 - 655 - 1 2 1 1 i n f o@i npe r i um. o r g 2500 McClel lan Ave. Sui te 300 Pennsauken, N. J. 08109 Apis Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Inperium, Inc., provides shared service offerings to affiliates allowing them to advance their mission and vision. Apis Services allows affiliates to explore geographic program expansion and focus on quality outcome measures, creating cost savings that result in reinvestment into an organization’s stakeholders by increasing capacity and improving employee compensation. Helping Organizations Better Serve Their Communities &Mission Human Resources Financial Services Education &Training Business Operations Information Technology Shared Service offerings include, but are not limited to: Fiscal Reporting, Payroll, Information Technology, Human Resources, Employee Recruiting, Employee Training, Risk Management Reporting and Analysis, and Time and Attendance. HowWe Help Non-Profit & For-Profit Organizations Inperium of New Jersey, Inc. is a NJ based non-profit corporation headquartered in Southern New Jersey. Inperium of New Jersey is the sole member of non-profit agencies that provide substance abuse, mental health, intellectual disability, and other health-related supports and services. Founded on the belief that organizations need not to sacrifice their mission and culture to grow, the Inperium Affiliation model was established. When an organization affiliates with Inperium, it does not merge with Inperium. It remains the same legal entity that it was prior to the affiliation. AffiliationWithout Concession Network Constellation of Entrepreneurial Organizations Using Our Collective Talent, Systems &Orchestration to Benefit Missions & Communities New Jersey Affiliates Check Out Our Website For Our Full Listing of Affiliates! Leadership Ryan D. Smith Founding President & CEO rsmith@inperium.org terri wilson Executive Vice President twilson@inperium.org
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