68 “The fact that the Japan Psychiatric Association asked to meet with NJMHI to learn about effective- ness of the U.S. mental healthcare system is a real testament to NJMHI,” said Bob Davison, a former NJAMHAA Board member who presented with a translator during this event. “It was a remarkable experience. The Japanese psychiatrists appreciated our expertise and being on the forefront.” With more than 20 years of significant accomplish- ments, NJMHI looks forward to undertaking new initiatives that bring additional value to NJAMHAA members, as well as the general public. For example, in 2020, NJMHI began exploring the idea of establish- ing a Center of Excellence for Social Determinants of Health and Mental Illness and Substance Use Disor- ders. NJMHI conducted focus groups with more than 40 individuals from NJAMHAA member agencies, who expressed unanimous support for this plan. Ef- forts are currently underway to secure initial funding to launch this important project. NJAMHAA and NJMHI Pay Tribute to Long-time Leaders Jeanne Wurmser “Jeanne was a strong visionary and brilliant leader. She was always ahead of the curve, a relentless advocate and a force to contend with in a positive way. She looked beyond the immediate; not only did she see the future potential, but she also often was the first to be innovative, leading the way,” Dr. Wentz said. Dr. Wurmser came to CPC Behavioral Healthcare as an intern out of Columbia University and moved up the ranks to executive roles from 1979 to 2002. She served on the NJAMHAA Board, including sev- eral terms as Chair, from 1982 to 2002 and NJMHI Board Chair from 2004 to 2006, in addition to being Board President for MHCA and a Board member for several other mental healthcare and educational organizations. For many years, she remained active with MHCA. In addition, Dr. Wurmser provided technical as- sistance in programmanagement for community mental health centers in New Jersey and the Virgin Islands through a contract with the National Public Health Service. Bob Davison, former NJAMHAA Board member (right), and a representative from the Japa- nese Psychiatric Association during the group’s visit to New Jersey to learn about the state’s mental healthcare system in September 2017 “NJMHI has been able to expand resources available to the Hispanic communities in New Jersey and the providers who serve those communities.” – Bill Sette, Former NJAMHAA and NJMHI Board Chair
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