NNews March 2024

FamilyConnectionsnj.org - 7 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 101, East Orange, NJ 07017 - Phone: (973-675-3817) Family Connections is Proud to Support NJAMHAA’s Diverse Faces: All AreWorthy of Full Investment Campaign 21 Mary Kay Roberts was Chief of Staff and Legislative Liaison at the New Jersey Department of Banking before joining Riker Danzig in 1994. Through daily interaction with individuals in the Department of Banking and Insurance and other state departments, as well as legislators, their staff and other lobbyists, Roberts continuously learns froma broad variety of viewpoints and shares her growing knowledge with all her clients and other partners, which include Pharmaceutical Research andManufacturers of America (PhRMA), as well as NJAMHAA. In fact, as there is a strong connection between her work with the pharmaceutical and behavioral healthcare fields, Roberts accepted NJAMHAA’s invitation to co-chair the Life Sciences and Innovation Council (LSIC). “It has been great workingwithDebbie, Shauna and the teamand getting to know the LSIC. There is a nice interplay between the work I dowith PhRMA and the LSIC and I love to hear fromproviders and brainstormon issues impacting patients and all of the stakeholders. By hearing different perspectives, I become a better advocate for all my clients. I gain information frommany sources, so I’m not jaded fromonly one opinion,” Roberts said. In addition to being dedicated to the legislative and regulatory aspects of behavioral health care, Roberts is personally invested in the field. “My mom is a clinical social worker, somy interest in behavioral health evolved from that, as well as from having family members with mental health and addiction issues,” she said. “I’m also concerned about stigma, especially among men, who may be more reluctant to come forward and seek treatment. I personally try to focus on self-care— I’m a big yogi —and I instill the importance of therapy and self-care in my children, other family members and friends. Being able to put on our own oxygenmask first before we can even begin to help others is critical.” To learnmore about Riker Danzig, visit www.riker.com ; see their healthcare blogs on their website and LinkedIn page; and visit Klele and Osterlof at NJAMHAA’s Spring Conference, Advancing Opportunities, Improving Lives , April 9 and 10, 2024 at the Delta by Marriott in Somerset, NJ. Click here for conference details and to register to attend.